The House system at the ICS is a motivational tool to encourage students to take part in as many competitive events in the school as possible; it is also a means for personal development, and a training ground for developing responsibility, leadership and temperament. These can be achieved through Inter-House competitions which naturally provide opportunities for the over-all development of a student. Thus, at The ICS, competitions are held in a range of sporting, cultural and literary events.
The school has 4 Houses named after the sterling qualities found in great leaders, who have contributed in the transformation of the world.






Each House has a House Master/Mistress and Assistant House Staff selected from among the Academic Staff, who assist in guiding and counseling students.
Houses are awarded points depending on their standings in any competition for the academic year. A winning House for any competition is awarded a trophy; participating students are given certificates of merit and medals wherever applicable.
At the end of the academic year, the House that gains the most all-round points is awarded the Cock House Trophy.